Home Stairway Questionnaire The Stairway Questionnaire

The Stairway Questionnaire

by admin

We have developed a short questionnaire about Led Zeppelin’s Stairway to Heaven that we intend to ask all our guests and friends of the site. We hope that over the time the answers will help us understand how Stairway has been experienced in the world, and that this will enrich our understanding and appreciation of Led Zeppelin and Stairway to Heaven in our own lives.

The Stairway Questionnaire


  • Name:
  • Age:
  • Country you were born in:
  • Country you live in now:  
  1. Tell me about your first memory of the song Stairway to Heaven?

  2. At what point in your life did the song have the most meaning for you?

  3. How has that meaning evolved as you’ve aged?

  4. What is Stairway for you today?

  5. What’s your favorite musical moment in Stairway?

  6. What’s your favorite lyric or line from the song?

  7. When was the last time you purposefully listened to Stairway?

  8. What do you think Led Zeppelin was trying to accomplish with Stairway to Heaven, and did they achieve it?

  9. How representative of Led Zeppelin is Stairway? Is Stairway Led Zeppelin or is Led Zeppelin Stairway?

  10. If you had the chance to talk to Led Zeppelin about Stairway – what would you want to know about the song and what would you want to tell them about it?

**Bonus Question:

Would you be comfortable saying Stairway to Heaven is the greatest rock song in the history of the genre?

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